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Learn about North Korea's missile development history and provocations.

by 이슈 분석 2023. 5. 17.


North Korea, accelerating its nuclear and missile development since Kim Jong-un took power in 2011, continues provocating by developing weapons systems. It is evaluated as completed. Let's look at the history of North Korea's missile development and provocations.

※ For additional information on North Korea's nuclear development, please refer to the Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security Homepages and the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses. 


1. Early Period (1960 ~ 1970)

The Soviet Union and China provided missile-related technology to North Korea.

Hamheung Military Academy aimed to train personnel capable of developing modern weapons including missiles.

North Korea purchased missiles and TELs from the Soviet Union, but collaboration stopped in the late 1960s.

North Korea signed a military agreement with China in 1971 to provide, develop, and produce modern weapons.

China provided missile and missile development technology and education for professional personnel training.

North Korea secured the ability to establish HQ-2 and HY1 missiles in the late 1970s.

2. Short-range Ballistic Missile Development (the 1980s)

North Korea faced limitations in manpower and technology when the joint missile development plan with China was suspended.

North Korea cooperated with Egypt and introduced the Soviet-made Scud-B missile in the early 1980s.

North Korea successfully developed and tested Scud-A and open-type Scud-B missiles in 1984~1985.

North Korea exported about 100 planes to Iran.

North Korea developed and test-launched a Scud-C-type missile in 1990.

3. Medium-to-long-range Missile Development (1990 ~ present)

North Korea jointly developed missiles with Iran and tested a Nodong missile with a range of 1,300km in 1993.

North Korea conducted a development test of Taepodong 1 in 1998.

North Korea continued to test launches of short-range missiles, such as surface-to-ship cruise missiles, from 1999~2003.

North Korea tested Nodong and Scud-class missiles, including the first Taepodong-2 in 2006

North Korea demonstrated the miniaturization of the nuclear warhead to be mounted on the Pukguksong-1 missile in 2016.

North Korea declared the completion of the national nuclear force with the test launch of the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile in 2017.

Missile provocations seemingly stopped in 2018 as the PyeongChang Olympics approached but resumed after the Hanoi summit in 2019.

North Korea demonstrated its technological advances and increased its bargaining power with the recent launch of hypersonic missiles.

4. Status of Major Missile Provocations since Kim Jong-un's Leadership (December 2011 ~ )

UN Security Council imposed sanctions on North Korea for atomic tests, ballistic missile launches, and launches of all aircraft using ballistic missile technology after North Korea's second nuclear test in 2009.

Kim Jong-un unveiled the intercontinental ballistic missile Hwasong-13 for the first time in 2012.

North Korea tested the submarine-launched ballistic missile Pukguksong-1 in 2015.

The test launch of the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile in 2017 was declared the completion of the national nuclear force.

North Korea has continued to use missile provocations to exert pressure and gain leverage in negotiations.

5. Background on Nuclear Korean missile provocations

Missile provocations stopped during the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics and resumed after the 2019 Hanoi summit breakdown.

North Korea launched 13 missiles in 2019 and continued launching missiles yearly.

North Korea successfully launched the Type 8 missile, similar to China's Dongfeng-17.

In 2022, missile provocations continued every month except for July.

6. Recent North Korea missile provocations

Wavelike armed demonstrations have continued since the beginning of 2023.

Short-range ballistic missiles were fired on March 19th, four strategic cruise missiles were launched on March 22nd, and a nuclear unmanned underwater attack on March 23rd.

Missile provocations continued on April 13 with the launch of a ballistic missile.

7. Prospects of North Korean missile provocations

Missile provocations will continue around important events in North Korea in April, particularly Kim Il-sung's birthday on April 15th.

Kim Jong-un has stated that the possibility of missile provocations always existed in terms of great leadership propaganda, and military provocations and armed demonstrations will continue through April.

8. Prospects of North Korea's future activities in the international community

North Korea is likely to appear in the international community as a nuclear power, with possession of nuclear weapons seen as a sovereign state's right in self-defense.

China and Russia, North Korea's allies, support the logic that North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles in response to the South Korea-US threat.

North Korea is expected to strengthen its position in the international community as a nuclear power and spread the injustice of US-led economic sanctions.

It is necessary to find a diplomatic solution with China and Russia to prevent North Korea from becoming a nuclear power and devise a thorough readiness posture to address the security threat surrounding the Korean Peninsula.

